Thursday, September 15, 2005

end of the horrendous project....

yes...our dear invisible toilet project will be officially an issue of the past by tomorrow this time, that is after our crit for P1. Well, never had i struggle so badly to finish a project since the days of UM.. :P Lets hope this shall be the last time I'll ever be involved in late submission. By the way, here's a rendered picture of our project...which took me a painstakingly 8 hours long worth of rendering time...

Anyway, when most of my studio mates were enjoying themselves at walas the very night we submitted our P1, I was still bugged by the ever boring, useless, time consuming, cap affecting, dumb and stupid module call HR3003..whatever... We were supposed to hand in this 3000 words essay coupled with a 20 minutes long mini lecture to be presented during today's tutorial. It really sucked big time. I finally gave in and knocked out this morning and concussed for around 3 hours before i woke up to realise that there's still quite a bit of the presentation to be prepared before we go out there to land the biggest smoke bomb of the year. 3 hours of torturous boring crap... and a tutor whom looked..erm...have a look urself....juz right below...

Yes...that's my HR tutor....and doesn't she reminds you of Edna from 'The incredibles'? Isn't it incredible? :P This really strengthen my belief that certain characters are not entirely fictional. The creator must have seen them somewhere somehow and...WALA...the producers of 'The incredibles' must have attended HR classes in NUS!! I feel a little bad posting this pic 'cos she's really quite an understanding tutor who had been trying her best to blend into our generation didn't turn out very well. But I couldn't bring myself not to show this to everyone~ :P much for after almost a week without any post. Holiday's round the corner, time to slow the pace a little and take a deep breadth and ready myself for the coming P2. K, need to sleep...having a throbbing headache at the moment...aftermath from those uncountable sleepless nitez... ZZzzz.z.....

1 comment:

J O H N N Y said...

i think you should up the security level in your blog commenting.
